The northern terminus
Sylt – Flensburg (119km)
Here is the northernmost point of Germany. The start of your incredible journey, 2,249 miles ahead of you. Happy Trails!

This section was specifically designed for the NST.
The first section of the NST, which is 119 kilometers long, is not part of an “official” hiking trail and is therefore not marked with trail signs. To reach the trailhead on Sylt, you can take bus lines 1 and 5 from Westerland to the Weststrand stop. To reach the northernmost point of Germany, you can walk either a short distance along an asphalted road or along the beach.
From the trailhead of the NST to the train station in Morsum, there is no fixed route. Whether you prefer to hike along the west side or the east side is entirely up to you. Simply enjoy the start of your incredible journey and savor the beauty of the island of Sylt.
Ascent 115 meters.
Descent 110 meters.
From the station in Morsum, we then take the train to the mainland to the station in Klanxbüll. Unfortunately, there is still no possibility to walk over the Hindenburgdamm. From Klanxbüll it goes the next 12 kilometers unfortunately mainly on a road along. A good 8 kilometers run almost parallel to the Danish border. Shortly after the village of Aventoft, the NST finally turns into a forest. In the next village Süderlügum there are plenty of shopping opportunities and you reach the trekking site at the Jugendwaldheim Süderlügum. Almost a mandatory stop. This fantastically located trekking site gives you an idea of what else awaits you in Schleswig-Holstein.
Until the next trekking spot “Schäferhaus,” it is 38 km from here. If you feel confident to cover this distance, you should definitely go for it. On this section, the NST mainly follows field paths and smaller asphalted bike paths. In the first village, Ladelund, there is a supermarket where you can stock up on breakfast supplies. Just before reaching the trekking spot “Schäferhaus,” you will pass through the tiny village of Ellund, where there is a small kiosk to refill your water reserves.The trekking spot is beautifully situated in a quiet area next to a heathland.
From here, you will continue your journey towards Flensburg and the trailhead of the E1. At the intersection of “Bauer Landstraße / Alter Kupfermühlen Weg,” you will see the first waymark of the E1. Congratulations, you have completed the second-longest unmarked section of the NST.