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Your opinion counts

In the new documentary (With English subtitles) about the North-South Trail, we interviewed thru-hikers to get their opinions on the trail and its route. Should a hiking trail be goal-oriented or follow a topographical reference line? After a brief research on this topic, neither the criteria for the German Hiking Seal nor Wikipedia yielded any results. So, we asked… There is probably nothing more authentic and sincere than the opinions of those who have been walking this trail for months. Do they find the route of the North-South Trail bothersome, annoying, too long, or boring? What’s the overall perception of long-distance hiking in Germany?

Furthermore, we are in conversation with some members of the North-South Trail Initiative regarding the continuous marking of the trail. It provides an exciting behind-the-scenes look at the longest long-distance hiking trail in the country.

If you enjoyed the film, it would be great if you could share it along with this webpage with your friends and on social media. We sincerely thank you for watching and for your support!

Die Initiative Nord-Süd-Trail hat sich zu einem weitreichenden Netzwerk aus ehrenamtlichen Helfern, erfahrenen Fernwanderern, Wegpaten, YouTubern und Wanderführern entwickelt. Da wir kein finanzielles Interesse an der Vermarktung des Weges haben, bleibt unser Hauptziel die dauerhafte Etablierung und Pflege dieser einzigartigen Route.

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