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Simply danced through the trail!

Four! Exactly four of the registered thru-hikers made it to the finish this year. If someone had told me that at the beginning of the year, I wouldn’t have believed it. Hiking Dancer crowns the end of an incredibly exciting year filled with so many wonderful moments and experiences.

Bad weather? Pah! You danced through the trail and didn’t let anything faze you. Congratulations on this incredible achievement! We at the NST Initiative hope you enjoyed the trail – though we’re pretty sure you did.

A special thanks for letting us follow your thru-hike via Find Penguins every now and then. We understand how difficult it can be for many hikers to write regularly or to pull themselves away from the actual hike. Yet we believe the purpose behind it has become clear: building a vibrant community that supports and helps each other.

So, dear Hiking Dancer, welcome to the Hall of Fame! And never forget…

No pain, no dirt, no Haldenwanger Eck!

Die Initiative Nord-Süd-Trail hat sich zu einem weitreichenden Netzwerk aus ehrenamtlichen Helfern, erfahrenen Fernwanderern, Wegpaten, YouTubern und Wanderführern entwickelt. Da wir kein finanzielles Interesse an der Vermarktung des Weges haben, bleibt unser Hauptziel die dauerhafte Etablierung und Pflege dieser einzigartigen Route.

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