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Currently – Trail Closure on the NST

Hello NST community!
Unfortunately, here in the Siegtal valley, a beautiful section of the NST on the Natursteig Sieg has been affected. The high trail between Stromberg and Herchen is currently impassable, and there is a concern that the Thruhiker Class of 2022 might miss out on the view from the “NST Hut with the Most Beautiful Name.” The difficult terrain is extremely hard to access for heavy equipment, and the damage is substantial. Currently, there is a full closure in place! Further along the route towards the Halfway Point, there are reportedly more sections that are closed.

As a result, we are suggesting an alternative route via the “Schleife um Herchen” (eastern part). Here, too, there have been some storm damages, but either they have been cleared or makeshift paths have formed around them.
If the main trail remains closed by the time the Thruhikers of 2022 arrive, this alternative route is a very nice option. Many thanks to “Düsselsieg” for putting this together.

GPX Track

Here you can download the alternative route around Herchen (eastern part) as a GPX file:

Die Initiative Nord Süd Trail hat sich zu einem ausgedehnten Netzwerk entwickelt, das aus ehrenamtlichen Helfern, erfahrenen Fernwanderern, Wegpaten, Youtubern und Wanderführern besteht. Da wir nicht an einer finanziellen Vermarktung des Weges interessiert sind, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk weiterhin auf der Etablierung des Weges.

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