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Official permission for the signposting of the Lake Constance district.

This is how the sign will look like

With the approval of the Lake Constance district, we now have official permission for the signposting of the NST. All eleven districts have already agreed, clearing the way for flagging. Similar to the Heidschnuckenweg, the Lake Constance district follows its own design language for signage, so we will produce the signs accordingly. The officials of the Lake Constance district were supportive and made us a good offer for printing the signs. The 100 signs will cost the NST initiative 800 euros, which we will finance through a crowdfunding campaign . This significant section of the route will close another gap on the large NST map.

We would like to thank Anne “Monarchfalter” and our local path sponsor, Frank “Freestyla”, for their numerous hours of volunteer work. Of course, the biggest thanks goes to Mrs. Philipp and Mr. Stottele, who have supported us so wonderfully.
If you would like to contribute a small or large amount to our funding, you can do so through our crowdfunding page. Supporters who provide their name when donating will be acknowledged as supporters on our homepage. Happy trails!
Here is the link to the crowdfunding page:

Disclaimer: Our crowdfunding projects are not ongoing and support the specified projects 100%.

Die Initiative Nord Süd Trail hat sich zu einem ausgedehnten Netzwerk entwickelt, das aus ehrenamtlichen Helfern, erfahrenen Fernwanderern, Wegpaten, Youtubern und Wanderführern besteht. Da wir nicht an einer finanziellen Vermarktung des Weges interessiert sind, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk weiterhin auf der Etablierung des Weges.

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